'KALIBR' offers most extensive product range for Thread & Plain gauges.
We manufacture gauges as per various International standards like ISO, ANSI/ ASME, British Standard (BS),DIN, JIS, API. Designing customized gauging solutions is our specialty.
Product Range

Trapezoidal Thread Gauges

Trapezoidal Threads are used for translation motion in machine tools like lead screws, where rapid movement is required or in screw jacks, where load to be shared is more.
ISO Specifications: Basic Dimensions: ISO 2903 - 1993, ISO 2904 - 1977 & Gauging Practice: DIN 103(9)-1985.
IS Specifications: Basic Dimensions: IS 7008-1988, IS 7008(4)-1999 & Gauging Practice: DIN 103(9)-1985.
Manufacturing Range: Thread Plugs , Thread Rings, Check Plugs & Wear Check Plugs of Diameter from 8 mm to 355 mm and pitches from 1.5 mm to 12 mm.
For more Technical Details on Trapezoidal Threads download, Technical Information sheet from link given below.
For Trapezoidal component threads dimensions, download Component Dimensions sheet - under development.
Technical Information sheet